const TcbRouter = require('../src/index'); describe('req test', () => { const app = new TcbRouter({ event: { $url: "router", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); test("req", () => { expect(app._req).toMatchObject({ event: { $url: "router", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); expect(app._req).toHaveProperty("url", "router"); }); }); describe('route test', () => { test("router string", async () => { const app = new TcbRouter({ event: { $url: "router", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); app.use(async (ctx, next) => { = { company: 'Tencent' }; await next(); }); app.router('router', async (ctx, next) => { = 'tcb'; ctx.body = { code: 0, message: 'succcess' }; await next(); }); let result = await app.serve(); expect(result).toEqual({ code: 0, message: 'succcess' }); expect(app._req).toMatchObject({ event: { $url: "router", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); expect({ name: 'tcb', company: 'Tencent' }); }); test("router array", async () => { const app = new TcbRouter({ event: { $url: "router2", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); app.use(async (ctx, next) => { = { company: 'Tencent' }; await next(); }); app.router(['router', "router2"], async (ctx, next) => { = 'tcb'; ctx.body = { code: 0, message: 'succcess' }; await next(); }); let result = await app.serve(); expect(result).toEqual({ code: 0, message: 'succcess' }); expect(app._req).toMatchObject({ event: { $url: "router2", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); expect({ name: 'tcb', company: 'Tencent' }); }); test("use", async () => { const app = new TcbRouter({ event: { $url: "router2", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); app.use(async (ctx) => { = { company: 'Tencent' }; ctx.body = { code: 0, message: 'succcess' }; }); let result = await app.serve(); expect(result).toEqual({ code: 0, message: 'succcess' }); expect(app._req).toMatchObject({ event: { $url: "router2", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); expect({ company: 'Tencent' }); }); test('use routes', async () => { const app = new TcbRouter({ event: { $url: 'router', data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); app.use('router', async (ctx) => { = { name: 'tcb', company: 'Tencent' }; ctx.body = { code: 0, message: 'succcess' }; }); let result = await app.serve(); expect(result).toEqual({ code: 0, message: 'succcess' }); expect(app._req).toMatchObject({ event: { $url: "router", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); expect({ name: 'tcb', company: 'Tencent' }); }); test('not match routes', async () => { const app = new TcbRouter({ event: { $url: 'router1', data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); app.use('router', async (ctx) => { = { name: 'tcb', company: 'Tencent' }; ctx.body = { code: 0, message: 'succcess' }; }); let result = await app.serve(); expect(result).toEqual(undefined); expect(app._req).toMatchObject({ event: { $url: "router1", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); }); }); describe('exceptions', () => { test("use requires functions", async () => { const app = new TcbRouter({ event: { $url: "router2", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); console.warn = jest.fn(); app.use(null); await app.serve(); expect(console.warn.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual('Handler should be a function. The middleware is not installed correctly.'); }); test("route requires functions", async () => { const app = new TcbRouter({ event: { $url: "router2", data: { name: 'tcb', sex: 'male' } } }); console.warn = jest.fn(); app.router('router', null); await app.serve(); expect(console.warn.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual('Handler should be a function. The middleware is not installed correctly.'); }); });