/* * Copyright 2014-present Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using folly::AsyncTimeout; using folly::AsyncUDPServerSocket; using folly::AsyncUDPSocket; using folly::EventBase; using folly::IOBuf; using folly::SocketAddress; using namespace testing; struct TestData { TestData( int gso, bool useSocketGSO, int* in, size_t inLen, int* expected, size_t expectedLen) : gso_(gso), useSocketGSO_(useSocketGSO) { in_.assign(in, in + inLen); expected_.assign(expected, expected + expectedLen); expectedSize_ = std::accumulate(expected_.begin(), expected_.end(), 0); } bool checkIn() const { return (expectedSize_ == std::accumulate(in_.begin(), in_.end(), 0)); } bool checkOut() const { return (expectedSize_ == std::accumulate(out_.begin(), out_.end(), 0)); } bool appendOut(int num) { out_.push_back(num); outSize_ += num; return (outSize_ >= expectedSize_); } std::unique_ptr getInBuf() { if (!in_.size()) { return nullptr; } std::string str(in_[0], 'A'); std::unique_ptr ret = folly::IOBuf::copyBuffer(str.data(), str.size()); for (size_t i = 1; i < in_.size(); i++) { str = std::string(in_[i], 'A'); ret->prependChain(folly::IOBuf::copyBuffer(str.data(), str.size())); } return ret; } int gso_{0}; bool useSocketGSO_{false}; std::vector in_; std::vector expected_; // expected int expectedSize_; std::vector out_; int outSize_{0}; }; class UDPAcceptor : public AsyncUDPServerSocket::Callback { public: UDPAcceptor(EventBase* evb) : evb_(evb) {} void onListenStarted() noexcept override {} void onListenStopped() noexcept override {} void onDataAvailable( std::shared_ptr socket, const folly::SocketAddress& client, std::unique_ptr data, bool /*unused*/) noexcept override { // send pong socket->write(client, data->clone()); } private: EventBase* const evb_{nullptr}; }; class UDPServer { public: UDPServer(EventBase* evb, folly::SocketAddress addr, int n) : evb_(evb), addr_(addr), evbs_(n) {} void start() { CHECK(evb_->isInEventBaseThread()); socket_ = std::make_unique(evb_, 1500); try { socket_->bind(addr_); VLOG(4) << "Server listening on " << socket_->address().describe(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LOG(FATAL) << ex.what(); } acceptors_.reserve(evbs_.size()); threads_.reserve(evbs_.size()); // Add numWorkers thread int i = 0; for (auto& evb : evbs_) { acceptors_.emplace_back(&evb); std::thread t([&]() { evb.loopForever(); }); evb.waitUntilRunning(); socket_->addListener(&evb, &acceptors_[i]); threads_.emplace_back(std::move(t)); ++i; } socket_->listen(); } folly::SocketAddress address() const { return socket_->address(); } void shutdown() { CHECK(evb_->isInEventBaseThread()); socket_->close(); socket_.reset(); for (auto& evb : evbs_) { evb.terminateLoopSoon(); } for (auto& t : threads_) { t.join(); } } void pauseAccepting() { socket_->pauseAccepting(); } void resumeAccepting() { socket_->resumeAccepting(); } private: EventBase* const evb_{nullptr}; const folly::SocketAddress addr_; std::unique_ptr socket_; std::vector threads_; std::vector evbs_; std::vector acceptors_; }; class UDPClient : private AsyncUDPSocket::ReadCallback, private AsyncTimeout { public: explicit UDPClient(EventBase* evb, TestData& testData) : AsyncTimeout(evb), evb_(evb), testData_(testData) {} void start(const folly::SocketAddress& server) { CHECK(evb_->isInEventBaseThread()); server_ = server; socket_ = std::make_unique(evb_); try { socket_->bind(folly::SocketAddress("", 0)); if (connectAddr_) { connect(); } VLOG(2) << "Client bound to " << socket_->address().describe(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LOG(FATAL) << ex.what(); } // succeed if GSO not available if (socket_->getGSO() < 0) { LOG(INFO) << "GSO not supported"; testData_.out_ = testData_.expected_; shutdown(); return; } if (testData_.useSocketGSO_) { socket_->setGSO(testData_.gso_); } else { socket_->setGSO(0); } socket_->resumeRead(this); // Start playing ping pong sendPing(); } void connect() { int ret = socket_->connect(*connectAddr_); if (ret != 0) { throw folly::AsyncSocketException( folly::AsyncSocketException::NOT_OPEN, "ConnectFail", errno); } VLOG(2) << "Client connected to address=" << *connectAddr_; } void shutdown() { CHECK(evb_->isInEventBaseThread()); socket_->pauseRead(); socket_->close(); socket_.reset(); evb_->terminateLoopSoon(); } void sendPing() { scheduleTimeout(5); writePing( testData_.getInBuf(), testData_.useSocketGSO_ ? -1 : testData_.gso_); } virtual void writePing(std::unique_ptr buf, int gso) { socket_->writeGSO(server_, std::move(buf), gso); } void getReadBuffer(void** buf, size_t* len) noexcept override { *buf = buf_; *len = sizeof(buf_); } void onDataAvailable( const folly::SocketAddress& /*unused*/, size_t len, bool /*unused*/) noexcept override { VLOG(0) << "Got " << len << " bytes"; if (testData_.appendOut(len)) { shutdown(); } } void onReadError(const folly::AsyncSocketException& ex) noexcept override { VLOG(4) << ex.what(); // Start listening for next PONG socket_->resumeRead(this); } void onReadClosed() noexcept override { CHECK(false) << "We unregister reads before closing"; } void timeoutExpired() noexcept override { VLOG(4) << "Timeout expired"; shutdown(); } AsyncUDPSocket& getSocket() { return *socket_; } void setShouldConnect(const folly::SocketAddress& connectAddr) { connectAddr_ = connectAddr; } protected: folly::Optional connectAddr_; EventBase* const evb_{nullptr}; folly::SocketAddress server_; std::unique_ptr socket_; private: char buf_[2048]; TestData& testData_; }; class AsyncSocketGSOIntegrationTest : public Test { public: void SetUp() override { server = std::make_unique( &sevb, folly::SocketAddress("", 0), 1); // Start event loop in a separate thread serverThread = std::make_unique([this]() { sevb.loopForever(); }); // Wait for event loop to start sevb.waitUntilRunning(); } void startServer() { // Start the server sevb.runInEventBaseThreadAndWait([&]() { server->start(); }); LOG(INFO) << "Server listening=" << server->address(); } void TearDown() override { // Shutdown server sevb.runInEventBaseThread([&]() { server->shutdown(); sevb.terminateLoopSoon(); }); // Wait for server thread to join serverThread->join(); } std::unique_ptr performPingPongTest( TestData& testData, folly::Optional connectedAddress); folly::EventBase sevb; folly::EventBase cevb; TestData* testData_{nullptr}; std::unique_ptr serverThread; std::unique_ptr server; std::unique_ptr client; }; std::unique_ptr AsyncSocketGSOIntegrationTest::performPingPongTest( TestData& testData, folly::Optional connectedAddress) { testData_ = &testData; client = std::make_unique(&cevb, testData); if (connectedAddress) { client->setShouldConnect(*connectedAddress); } // Start event loop in a separate thread auto clientThread = std::thread([this]() { cevb.loopForever(); }); // Wait for event loop to start cevb.waitUntilRunning(); // Send ping cevb.runInEventBaseThread([&]() { client->start(server->address()); }); // Wait for client to finish clientThread.join(); return std::move(client); } TEST_F(AsyncSocketGSOIntegrationTest, PingPongGlobalGSO) { int gso = 1000; int in[] = {100, 1200, 3000, 200, 100, 300}; int expected[] = {1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 900}; TestData testData( gso, true /*useSocketGSO*/, in, sizeof(in) / sizeof(in[0]), expected, sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0])); ASSERT_TRUE(testData.checkIn()); startServer(); auto pingClient = performPingPongTest(testData, folly::none); ASSERT_TRUE(testData.checkOut()); } TEST_F(AsyncSocketGSOIntegrationTest, PingPongRequestGSO) { int gso = 421; int in[] = {100, 1200, 3000, 200, 100, 300}; int expected[] = {421, 421, 421, 421, 421, 421, 421, 421, 421, 421, 421, 269}; TestData testData( gso, false /*useSocketGSO*/, in, sizeof(in) / sizeof(in[0]), expected, sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0])); ASSERT_TRUE(testData.checkIn()); startServer(); auto pingClient = performPingPongTest(testData, folly::none); ASSERT_TRUE(testData.checkOut()); } // buffer sizes constexpr auto kGSO1 = 100; constexpr auto kGSO2 = 200; constexpr auto kGSO = kGSO1 + kGSO2; class GSOBuf { public: explicit GSOBuf(size_t size1, size_t size2 = 0) { std::string str(size1, 'A'); ioBuf_ = folly::IOBuf::copyBuffer(str.data(), str.size()); if (size2) { str = std::string(size2, 'B'); auto tmp = folly::IOBuf::copyBuffer(str.data(), str.size()); ioBuf_->prependChain(std::move(tmp)); } } const std::unique_ptr& get() const { return ioBuf_; } private: std::unique_ptr ioBuf_; }; class GSOSendTest { public: explicit GSOSendTest( folly::AsyncUDPSocket& socket, const folly::SocketAddress& address, int gso, size_t size1, size_t size2 = 0) { GSOBuf buf(size1, size2); ret_ = socket.writeGSO(address, buf.get(), gso); } ssize_t get() const { return ret_; } private: ssize_t ret_; }; TEST(AsyncSocketGSOTest, send) { EventBase evb; folly::AsyncUDPSocket client(&evb); client.bind(folly::SocketAddress("", 0)); if (client.getGSO() < 0) { LOG(INFO) << "GSO not supported"; // GSO not supported return; } folly::AsyncUDPSocket server(&evb); server.bind(folly::SocketAddress("", 0)); // send less than GSO in a single IOBuf { GSOSendTest test(client, server.address(), kGSO, kGSO - 1); CHECK_LT(test.get(), 0); } // send less than GSO in multiple IOBufs { GSOSendTest test(client, server.address(), kGSO, kGSO1 - 1, kGSO2); CHECK_LT(test.get(), 0); } // send GSO in a single IOBuf { GSOSendTest test(client, server.address(), kGSO, kGSO); CHECK_LT(test.get(), 0); } // send GSO in multiple IOBuf { GSOSendTest test(client, server.address(), kGSO, kGSO1, kGSO2); CHECK_LT(test.get(), 0); } // send more than GSO in a single IOBuf { GSOSendTest test(client, server.address(), kGSO, kGSO + 1); CHECK_EQ(test.get(), kGSO + 1); } // send more than GSO in a multiple IOBufs { GSOSendTest test(client, server.address(), kGSO, kGSO1 + 1, kGSO2 + 1); CHECK_EQ(test.get(), kGSO + 2); } }