function(auto_sources RETURN_VALUE PATTERN SOURCE_SUBDIRS) if ("${SOURCE_SUBDIRS}" STREQUAL "RECURSE") SET(PATH ".") if (${ARGC} EQUAL 4) list(GET ARGV 3 PATH) endif () endif() if ("${SOURCE_SUBDIRS}" STREQUAL "RECURSE") unset(${RETURN_VALUE}) file(GLOB SUBDIR_FILES "${PATH}/${PATTERN}") list(APPEND ${RETURN_VALUE} ${SUBDIR_FILES}) file(GLOB subdirs RELATIVE ${PATH} ${PATH}/*) foreach(DIR ${subdirs}) if (IS_DIRECTORY ${PATH}/${DIR}) if (NOT "${DIR}" STREQUAL "CMakeFiles") file(GLOB_RECURSE SUBDIR_FILES "${PATH}/${DIR}/${PATTERN}") list(APPEND ${RETURN_VALUE} ${SUBDIR_FILES}) endif() endif() endforeach() else() file(GLOB ${RETURN_VALUE} "${PATTERN}") foreach (PATH ${SOURCE_SUBDIRS}) file(GLOB SUBDIR_FILES "${PATH}/${PATTERN}") list(APPEND ${RETURN_VALUE} ${SUBDIR_FILES}) endforeach() endif () set(${RETURN_VALUE} ${${RETURN_VALUE}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(auto_sources) # Remove all files matching a set of patterns, and, # optionally, not matching a second set of patterns, # from a set of lists. # # Example: # This will remove all files in the CPP_SOURCES list # matching "/test/" or "Test.cpp$", but not matching # "BobTest.cpp$". # REMOVE_MATCHES_FROM_LISTS(CPP_SOURCES MATCHES "/test/" "Test.cpp$" IGNORE_MATCHES "BobTest.cpp$") # # Parameters: # # [...]: # The names of the lists to remove matches from. # # [MATCHES ...]: # The matches to remove from the lists. # # [IGNORE_MATCHES ...]: # The matches not to remove, even if they match # the main set of matches to remove. function(REMOVE_MATCHES_FROM_LISTS) set(LISTS_TO_SEARCH) set(MATCHES_TO_REMOVE) set(MATCHES_TO_IGNORE) set(argumentState 0) foreach (arg ${ARGN}) if ("x${arg}" STREQUAL "xMATCHES") set(argumentState 1) elseif ("x${arg}" STREQUAL "xIGNORE_MATCHES") set(argumentState 2) elseif (argumentState EQUAL 0) list(APPEND LISTS_TO_SEARCH ${arg}) elseif (argumentState EQUAL 1) list(APPEND MATCHES_TO_REMOVE ${arg}) elseif (argumentState EQUAL 2) list(APPEND MATCHES_TO_IGNORE ${arg}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown argument state!") endif() endforeach() foreach (theList ${LISTS_TO_SEARCH}) foreach (entry ${${theList}}) foreach (match ${MATCHES_TO_REMOVE}) if (${entry} MATCHES ${match}) set(SHOULD_IGNORE OFF) foreach (ign ${MATCHES_TO_IGNORE}) if (${entry} MATCHES ${ign}) set(SHOULD_IGNORE ON) break() endif() endforeach() if (NOT SHOULD_IGNORE) list(REMOVE_ITEM ${theList} ${entry}) endif() endif() endforeach() endforeach() set(${theList} ${${theList}} PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endfunction() # Automatically create source_group directives for the sources passed in. function(auto_source_group rootName rootDir) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${rootDir}" rootDir) string(LENGTH "${rootDir}" rootDirLength) set(sourceGroups) foreach (fil ${ARGN}) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${fil}" filePath) string(FIND "${filePath}" "/" rIdx REVERSE) if (rIdx EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to locate the final forward slash in '${filePath}'!") endif() string(SUBSTRING "${filePath}" 0 ${rIdx} filePath) string(LENGTH "${filePath}" filePathLength) string(FIND "${filePath}" "${rootDir}" rIdx) if (rIdx EQUAL 0) math(EXPR filePathLength "${filePathLength} - ${rootDirLength}") string(SUBSTRING "${filePath}" ${rootDirLength} ${filePathLength} fileGroup) string(REPLACE "/" "\\" fileGroup "${fileGroup}") set(fileGroup "\\${rootName}${fileGroup}") list(FIND sourceGroups "${fileGroup}" rIdx) if (rIdx EQUAL -1) list(APPEND sourceGroups "${fileGroup}") source_group("${fileGroup}" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "${filePath}/[^/.]+.(cpp|h)$") endif() endif() endforeach() endfunction() # CMake is a pain and doesn't have an easy way to install only the files # we actually included in our build :( function(auto_install_files rootName rootDir) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${rootDir}" rootDir) string(LENGTH "${rootDir}" rootDirLength) set(sourceGroups) foreach (fil ${ARGN}) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${fil}" filePath) string(FIND "${filePath}" "/" rIdx REVERSE) if (rIdx EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to locate the final forward slash in '${filePath}'!") endif() string(SUBSTRING "${filePath}" 0 ${rIdx} filePath) string(LENGTH "${filePath}" filePathLength) string(FIND "${filePath}" "${rootDir}" rIdx) if (rIdx EQUAL 0) math(EXPR filePathLength "${filePathLength} - ${rootDirLength}") string(SUBSTRING "${filePath}" ${rootDirLength} ${filePathLength} fileGroup) install(FILES ${fil} DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/${rootName}${fileGroup}) endif() endforeach() endfunction() function(folly_define_tests) set(directory_count 0) set(test_count 0) set(currentArg 0) while (currentArg LESS ${ARGC}) if ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xDIRECTORY") math(EXPR currentArg "${currentArg} + 1") if (NOT currentArg LESS ${ARGC}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Expected base directory!") endif() set(cur_dir ${directory_count}) math(EXPR directory_count "${directory_count} + 1") set(directory_${cur_dir}_name "${ARGV${currentArg}}") # We need a single list of sources to get source_group to work nicely. set(directory_${cur_dir}_source_list) math(EXPR currentArg "${currentArg} + 1") while (currentArg LESS ${ARGC}) if ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xDIRECTORY") break() elseif ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xTEST") math(EXPR currentArg "${currentArg} + 1") if (NOT currentArg LESS ${ARGC}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Expected test name!") endif() set(cur_test ${test_count}) math(EXPR test_count "${test_count} + 1") set(test_${cur_test}_name "${ARGV${currentArg}}") math(EXPR currentArg "${currentArg} + 1") set(test_${cur_test}_directory ${cur_dir}) set(test_${cur_test}_content_dir) set(test_${cur_test}_headers) set(test_${cur_test}_sources) set(test_${cur_test}_tag "NONE") set(argumentState 0) while (currentArg LESS ${ARGC}) if ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xHEADERS") set(argumentState 1) elseif ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xSOURCES") set(argumentState 2) elseif ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xCONTENT_DIR") math(EXPR currentArg "${currentArg} + 1") if (NOT currentArg LESS ${ARGC}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Expected content directory name!") endif() set(test_${cur_test}_content_dir "${ARGV${currentArg}}") elseif ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xTEST" OR "x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xDIRECTORY") break() elseif (argumentState EQUAL 0) if ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xBROKEN") set(test_${cur_test}_tag "BROKEN") elseif ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xHANGING") set(test_${cur_test}_tag "HANGING") elseif ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xSLOW") set(test_${cur_test}_tag "SLOW") elseif ("x${ARGV${currentArg}}" STREQUAL "xWINDOWS_DISABLED") set(test_${cur_test}_tag "WINDOWS_DISABLED") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown test tag '${ARGV${currentArg}}'!") endif() elseif (argumentState EQUAL 1) list(APPEND test_${cur_test}_headers "${FOLLY_DIR}/${directory_${cur_dir}_name}${ARGV${currentArg}}" ) elseif (argumentState EQUAL 2) list(APPEND test_${cur_test}_sources "${FOLLY_DIR}/${directory_${cur_dir}_name}${ARGV${currentArg}}" ) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown argument state!") endif() math(EXPR currentArg "${currentArg} + 1") endwhile() list(APPEND directory_${cur_dir}_source_list ${test_${cur_test}_sources} ${test_${cur_test}_headers}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown argument inside directory '${ARGV${currentArg}}'!") endif() endwhile() else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown argument '${ARGV${currentArg}}'!") endif() endwhile() set(cur_dir 0) while (cur_dir LESS directory_count) source_group("" FILES ${directory_${cur_dir}_source_list}) math(EXPR cur_dir "${cur_dir} + 1") endwhile() set(cur_test 0) while (cur_test LESS test_count) if ("x${test_${cur_test}_tag}" STREQUAL "xNONE" OR ("x${test_${cur_test}_tag}" STREQUAL "xBROKEN" AND BUILD_BROKEN_TESTS) OR ("x${test_${cur_test}_tag}" STREQUAL "xSLOW" AND BUILD_SLOW_TESTS) OR ("x${test_${cur_test}_tag}" STREQUAL "xHANGING" AND BUILD_HANGING_TESTS) OR ("x${test_${cur_test}_tag}" STREQUAL "xWINDOWS_DISABLED" AND NOT WIN32) ) set(cur_test_name ${test_${cur_test}_name}) set(cur_dir_name ${directory_${test_${cur_test}_directory}_name}) add_executable(${cur_test_name} ${test_${cur_test}_headers} ${test_${cur_test}_sources} ) if (HAVE_CMAKE_GTEST) # If we have CMake's built-in gtest support use it to add each test # function as a separate test. gtest_add_tests(TARGET ${cur_test_name} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${TOP_DIR}" TEST_PREFIX "${cur_test_name}." TEST_LIST test_cases) set_tests_properties(${test_cases} PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 120) else() # Otherwise add each test executable as a single test. add_test( NAME ${cur_test_name} COMMAND ${cur_test_name} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${TOP_DIR}" ) set_tests_properties(${cur_test_name} PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 120) endif() if (NOT "x${test_${cur_test}_content_dir}" STREQUAL "x") # Copy the content directory to the output directory tree so that # tests can be run easily from Visual Studio without having to change # the working directory for each test individually. file( COPY "${FOLLY_DIR}/${cur_dir_name}${test_${cur_test}_content_dir}" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/folly/${cur_dir_name}${test_${cur_test}_content_dir}" ) add_custom_command(TARGET ${cur_test_name} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_directory "${FOLLY_DIR}/${cur_dir_name}${test_${cur_test}_content_dir}" "$/folly/${cur_dir_name}${test_${cur_test}_content_dir}" COMMENT "Copying test content for ${cur_test_name}" VERBATIM ) endif() # Strip the tailing test directory name for the folder name. string(REPLACE "test/" "" test_dir_name "${cur_dir_name}") set_property(TARGET ${cur_test_name} PROPERTY FOLDER "Tests/${test_dir_name}") target_link_libraries(${cur_test_name} PRIVATE folly_test_support) apply_folly_compile_options_to_target(${cur_test_name}) endif() math(EXPR cur_test "${cur_test} + 1") endwhile() endfunction()